Night Cries (1990) a film by Tracey Moffatt at Sguardi australiani (2002-2006)

The short film Night Cries (1990) directed by Tracey Moffatt screened in the city of Genoa in 2002 for the first edition of Sguardi australiani, which featured Australian short films by filmmakers of diverse cultural backgrounds. Sguardi australiani took place with Patronage from the Australian Embassy in Rome, the Italian Ministry for Foreign Affairs, the City of Genoa, Regione Liguria.

The feature film Bedevil (1993) directed by Tracey Moffatt screened along with other Australian films as part of the third edition of Sguardi australiani, a Genoa European Capital of Culture 2004 event, which took place in Camogli on the Italian Riviera.

Tracey Moffatt's films Night Cries (1990) and Bedevil (1993) screened at Palazzo Ducale in Genoa in 2005 for the fourth edition of Sguardi australiani. The event included a live performance by Hugo Race and Marta Collica and a talk with art critics. The city Genoa presented Moffatt and Race with a photographic book of aerial views of the city Genoa. (Hugo accepted his gift on the night at Palazzo Ducale, while I entrusted the Roslyn Oxley Gallery in Sydney with Tracey Moffatt's gift.) 
The respective Italian subtitles of the films are part of the Sguardi australiani Archive at the Monash University Prato Centre, Prato, Italy.

I discuss Tracey Moffatt's Night Cries (1990) in the chapter I contributed to the volume La sfida dell'arte indigena australiana edited by Franca Tamisari and Francesca di Blasi (Jacabook, Milan: 2007).
“Cinema”. I cortometraggi di Tracey Moffatt, Ivan Sen, Darlene Johnson e Richard Frankland”, Silvana Tuccio in Tamisari, Franca and di Blasi, Francesca (eds), La sfida dell'arte. Tradizione, contemporaneità e innovazione nell'arte indigena australiana. Milan: Jacabook: 2007)

Silvana Tuccio May 2017