Kalispace© é il wellness che acquisisce nuovi slanci: il Yoga Nidra é la sua anima. 

Kalispace© yoga nidra longevity ritual di Silvana Tuccio é il wellness guerriero della Dea Kali. 

KALISPACE© YOGA NIDRA NELLA NATURA permette di toccare la spaziosità dell'Io e acquisire consapevolezza dei suoi confini. Il sé é vigile e tocca le profondità, laddove risiede la fonte rigeneratrice. KALISPACE© CREATIVE YOGA NIDRA per la longevitá, il rito interiore e la creativitá. +Infusione di erbe e fiori mediterranei dal giardino aromatico. 
KALISPACE©​ CREATIVE YOGA​ NIDRA IN NATURE to connect to the spaciousness of the self, enhancing beingness. The "I" is guided into touching the regenerative source. KALISPACE© CREATIVE YOGA NIDRA for longevity, inner ritual and creativity. +Mediterranean herb & flower  infusion from the aromatic garden.

Il KALISPACE© YOGA NIDRA IN NATURE permette di toccare la spaziosità dell'Io e acquisire consapevolezza dei suoi confini. Il yoga nidra é svolta in posizione supina, senza alcun sforzo, in ascolto della voce che guida alla presa di coscienza di ogni atomo dell'Io corporeo. Il sé é vigile e tocca le profondità, laddove risiede la fonte rigeneratrice. Il ringiovanimento é così rinato nello sguardo sul mondo. 

Silvana Tuccio PhD, é scrittrice, é stata studiosa di cinema, ed é conoscitrice di discipline di corporeità. Ha studiato all'Universitá di Melbourne, al Mangala Studios, Melbourne, e all' EPV Kalari, Kerala.

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Silvana Tuccio PhD

Ho maturato il mio senso di corporeitá attraverso 3continenti e 3decenni. Ho studiato nella contemporaneitá, ma anche sistemi antiche, in particolare il Kalari. Oggi, in Sicilia con lo sguardo verso il mare Ionio, fra l'isolotto di Ortigia e il Sicily lemon grove, lascio il caos all'oceano di tranquillitá, cosí da toccare lo spazio infinito della natura. 

I matured my take on corporeality across 3decades and 3continents. I now stand in a place called Sicily, overlooking the Ionian Sea, on the isle of Ortigia and at Sicily lemon grove. Here I work at relinquishing chaos to the ocean of tranquility, to touch the space where the wild intercepts the essence of life. 



BEGGININGS At the Mangala Studios in inner Melbourne, the space was designed to transform expression into movement, enabling creativity. I, the body in space, and the qualities of earth, air, water, fire and space were "listening". I/the body were responding to the design, the music-scape and the cues, in this way creating a passage to the body's innate capacity for proprioception, and touch. In the flux between the outer 'I' and awareness of minute inner workings, I entered the 'dance' of form and flow in space. (I created pieces performed at Fringe Festival, Melbourne, Dancehouse, Melbourne).

MARTIAL ART TRAINING In 1993, I trained in Kalaripayattu, its Ayurvedic marma system and the Gurukkal system at EPV Kalari under the guidance of Vasudevan Gurrukal master of the school of the Northern Style of Kalaripayattu, in Kerala (the BBC4 documentary The Way of the Warrior (1983) features Kalaripayattu master Vasudevan Gurrukal). I experienced life at EPV Kalari and became witness to the training, the Kalari Ayurvedic approach based on knowledge of Marma (which Gurrukal afforded Tribal people), and the Kalari rituals. I attended feast days, where I saw Shamans dance, act as Oracles, and perform rituals. I learnt the Kalaripayattu principles, and was inspired by the spirit of "action". I came to appreciate the qualities of the martial art, its strength, elegance, and movement sequences that merge with life force. I benefited from the stillness, peace and stability that the training affords.
Creative movement, Hatha Yoga, Yoga Nidra at the Mangala Studio of Yoga and Creative Dance 1988/1995, Melbourne, Australia;
Kalaripayattu, EPV Kalari Vasudevan Gurrukal, martial arts, stick exercises, marma, Kerala, India 1993/1994;
Winter School on Performing Arts of India, Kerala, India, 1993/94;
Wu Qong at the school of Professor Wong, Melbourne, 1994/95;
Movement workshops in Australia and Europe 1995/2004;
Instructor of creative dance, yoga, relaxation for children at the Mangala Studios of Yoga and Creative Dance, Melbourne, Australia, 1988/1995.

Silvana Tuccio PhD
I completed graduate studies with majors in Literary Studies and Performing Arts, followed by a First Class Honours in Literary Criticism from Deakin University, Australia. The thesis I wrote: “Writing” Desire, Corporeality and Transformation: A Theoretical and Creative Approach: Departing from Pier Paolo Pasolini’s Teorema." was informed by my experience of corporeality and spaciousness. Later, I completed a Doctor of Philosophy in Cinema, from the University of Melbourne, Australia.


©Silvana Tuccio. All rights reserved.