sguardi australiani 2002-2006 & cultura sostenibile 2009-2014
Lacunae was founded by Silvana Tuccio and Lorenzo Perrona in 2002. Lacunae organised the film culture event Sguardi australiani (2002-2006), conceived by Silvana Tuccio, now the Sguardi australiani Archive housed at the Monash University Prato Centre. Lacunae also organised the series of events Cultura sostenibile highlighting world climate and the city in collaboration with international experts. The desire to contribute to a culturally vibrant and sustainable world remains a pursuit, as the founders of Lacunae continue to expand horizons in personal projects beyond Lacunae.
The Lacunae projects have included: Sguardi australiani 2002-2006, and Cultura sostenibile 2009-2014. Current projects include: Sicilia Contemporanea, started in 2013 and Scrivortigia, started in 2015. In 2011 the Sguardi australiani Archive was established at the Monash University Prato Centre.
Sguardi australiani (2002-2006), included:Sguardi australiani: Visioni urbane, Genoa, (Toured in Prato, Rome, Milan, Pescara, Crotone, 2002); Sguardi australiani 2003: Koori Australia, Camogli (GE); Sguardi australiani 2004: Face of Australia, Camogli (GE); Sguardi Australiani 2005: Film and Sounds nella Notte, Genoa; Sguardi Australiani 2006: Diritti Sovraumani, Genoa; it also included the film screenings/ exhibition on the cinema and photography of Giorgio Mangiamele: the exhibition entitled, “Mangiamele/Melbourne”, films and photographs, was presented at Sguardi australiani 2004, Camogli, Italy, in July 2004 and at Zo, Centro Culture Contemporanee, Catania, Italy, on 13 April 2005. With patronage from the Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali, Italian Institute of Culture, Melbourne, Comune di Catania. The sguardi australiani events received patronage from, amongst others, the Ministero per gli Affari Esteri, Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturale, Australian Embassy in Rome, Monash University Prato Centre, Regione Liguria.
It also included conversations and round tables:
(2009) La "Riconciliazione" australiana. Le voci indigene della docu-fiction di David Vadiveloo, with Franca Tamisari, Lorenzo Perrona, Noto, Italy, 30 January; (2005) The cinema of Tracey Moffatt with Lorenzo Perrona (Lacunae), Alice Cantaluppi (art critic Switzerland), Emanuela de Cecco (art critic Italy), Sergio Zinna (artistic director Zo Centro Culture Contemporanee Italy) as part of Sguardi Australiani 2005: Film and Sounds nella Notte, Genova, 9 September 2005; (2005) Conversation with Barbara Creed on 22 June, Rome, as a pre-launch event of the book Sguardi australiani: idee, immaginari e cinema degli antipodi, (Le Mani, Genova, 2005). (Also, co-ordinated interview with Barbara Creed by journalist Irene Alison for II Manifesto); Sguardi australiani 2004: Face of Australia, conversations: artist Christian Bumbarra Thompson in conversation with Viana Conti (art critic); filmmaker Glendyn Ivin in conversation with Stefano della Casa (film critic); and musician Hugo Race, in conversation with Carlo Antonelli (editor of Italian edition of Rolling Stone Magazine);Sguardi australiani: On the Road with Renato Cuocolo, Gerardo Papalia, Lorenzo Perrona, Marcello Danovaro, Palazzo Ducale, Genoa, 14 April(2003) ; Memoria, Lontananze, Metropoli: il cinema in Australia (2002) with Franco di Chiera, as part of Sguardi australiani: Visioni Urbane, Palazzo Ducale, Genoa.
Cultura sostenibile was a series of presentations and conferences on climate change, eco-innovation, sustainability:
Acqua, Luce, Ortigia: The Culture of Water Environments(2013-14), in partnership with Arkimedeion, Ortigia Island Photography, Biblios Cafe', VEIL (University of Melbourne), Waterwheel (Australia), and Comune di Siracusa. Immaginiamo la Sicilia, part of the project Connecting People to Place: idee ecoinnovative per la citta', (2013)with Chris Ryan (VEIL, University of Melbourne), Lorenzo Aiello (Siracusa), Han Brezet (DfS, TU Delft), Jane Boyd, Geoffrey Samuel, Des Barry, Glenn Davidson (BAHAR, Cardiff University), 9 May, in collaboration with Arkimedeion, Siracusa, Italy; Luoghi d’innovazione: paesaggi e città sostenibili,(2010) with Tareq Emtairah (International Institute of Industrial and Environmental Economics, University of Lund), Anna Meroni (Milan University of Technology), Lorenzo Aiello (Faculty of Architecture in Siracusa, University of Catania), Chris Ryan (VEIL, University of Melbourne), October 19. In collaboration with CUMO. Patronage from Comune di Noto; Sviluppo, economia, sostenibilità – l’esempio Friesland (2010) with Han Brezet, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands, June 14. In collaboration with Cumo. Patronage from Comune di Noto;
Coordination of SED research in the South-East of Sicily of students of masters program from the International Institute of Industrial, Environmental and Economics, University of Lund, Sweden (2010) Sguardi sul clima: eco innovazione futuro nel presente (2009) with Chris Ryan, Victorian Eco-Innovation Lab, (University of Melbourne), 9 December. In collaboration with CUMO. Patronage from the Australian Embassy, Rome, Comune di Noto.