from my desk september 2017

Latin made life
In Italian...bello says it all and expresses the beauty of it. Daniele Silvestri's Saliro' gave us a take on renewal, while Andrea Morucchio's photographCreugante&Damosseno lent itself to intrigue( Thanks to Gabbi for hosting Latin made life on Sunday 6 August and thanks to Katrina for singing an Aria). Be part of the next Latin made November. progress
It started with the Chantilly residency, and now I've Morsels: a picnic banquet in Sicily on my drawing board. Chantillians got a preview last July. (For publishers: please get in touch for full details.)
Sguardi australiani
The catalogue of the Sguardi australiani Archive is online. Stay tuned for the Curator's Guide to the Archive.
Responses I've received to a few of my academic articles (below) and some recent writing.

  •  A Q&A episode on Australian tv led to this discussion.

  • Marina and I got talking at the exhibition of European art from the NGV collection entitled Love, noting the photographic quality of Sassoferrato's Madonna.  "Lady Madonna"

  • Last July, Chantillians got a preview of Morsels: a picnic banquet in Sicily. (For publishers: please get in touch for full details.)

The Australian National Film and Sound Archive has listed my doctoral dissertation Who's behind the camera: the cinema of Giorgio Mangiamele on the NFSA's Giorgio Mangiamele Portriat on theaustralianscreen website. // "I have no doubt that this dissertation will make a major correction to film history and a beautiful analysis of an artist that is certainly worth the attention that you have given."  //  "...your analysis of the Australian migrant experience which seriously challenged the myths of acceptance, fair go for all egalitarianism and tolerance of Australian society in the 1950's and 1960's with great contemporary relevance..." 
"Resistance and Rhetoric in Jack Davis' No Sugar// "This paper seemed insightful and beneficial in adding depth and sophistication to my essays."  // "Spirited"

"Breaking the silence: Language permeating through landscape in three Australian films" (Mad Max 1979, Clay 1965, Samson&Delilah 2009) // "Your piece is riveting, topical and well-researched."   // "...hope you will develop the issue of 'silence' further."