
...would you note climate change in the fabric of urban life? Or, is it the wild nature of a tree or sunset or a fox in the city that’s noteworthy? Are they intertwined? A beautifully crafted play Undercoat: A Parafoxical Tale, written by Cynthia Troup, is a journey into the urban wilderness with performers as (clever) foxes. Will they outsmart our thinking of climate change? Until Sunday at La Mama in Carlton.

...I often wonder if ethics has a role to play in our contemporary world? Who drives the car? In this video such a statement is not mere analogy. What do you think? 

I caught some of the Mabo Day celebrations in Melbourne on the 3rd of June. Eddie Mabo and the quest for Native Title in Australia has been the subject of documentaries such as Mabo: Life of an Island Man, which is part of the Sguardi australiani Archive, Prato, Italy, which screened at Sguardi australiani: face of Australia in Camogli, Italy, 2004.

Big Mamma's Boy (2011) is a film based on an Italian-Australian story set in Melbourne, Australia. Franco di Chiera, the director of the film, reflects on its screening in Milan.

Language sculpts our vision of things. In the book L’altro se’: opposizioni letterarie del Sud, Lorenzo Perrona shows how writers, including Silone, Pasolini, Sciascia, Levi and Brancati, have written about and imagined the south of Italy. Book presentations in Genoa, Venice and Rome to be announced. The cover image is a photograph by Andrea Morucchio, artist and photographer, Venice, Italy. 

June 2017