from my bookshelf UPDATED
Which book do you love? Find the book you love including English books, from Feltrinelli Librerie💛 in the Feltrinelli/IBS Catalogue . And check out the promos for young people . Books from my bookshelf Discover the selection of books that I'm thrilled to share from Italian literature , Italian children's literature , Italian children's art books , writers of Sicily , to my own book of short stories Spiazzamenti . Find the book you love in the Feltrinelli/IBS Catalogue . Also, find my academic, literary and cultural contribution to the following publications: Australians in Italy : Contemporary lives and impressions (Monash University Press) , La sfida dell'arte indigena australiana. Tradizione, innovazione e contemporaneità . Ediz. illustrata (Jacabook) , Sguardi australiani. Idee, immaginari e cinema degli antipodi (Le Mani) . My doctoral dissertation was mentioned by Senja Gunew in a chapter of th...